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The Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate (Inspektionen för socialförsäkringen, ISF) is an independent supervisory agency for the Swedish social insurance system. The ISF is an agency of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, and reports to the Minister for Social Security, and the Swedish public.
Area of supervision
The ISF area of supervision and control is social insurance and related areas. Its remit is primarily over three agencies:
- The Swedish Social Insurance Agency
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- The Swedish Pensions Agency
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- The Swedish Tax Agency, but only as regards the computation of earned pension benefits
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Examples of social insurance benefits that are subject to the ISF’s scrutiny are child and family benefits, health insurance benefits and pensions.
Areas related to the field of social insurance include the interfaces between social insurance and regional and local authorities and other non-governmental entities, and similar areas such as the labour market.
The ISF’s objectives are system supervision and efficiency analysis and evaluation, which means that it is outside the ISF’s remit to take a position in individual cases. The ISF does not represent the Government on legal issues, and nor does the ISF have normative functions or any authority to impose sanctions. Finally, the ISF is not responsible for providing the general public with information about social insurance legislation or social insurance administration.
How to submit an individual complaint
If you would like to complain about an individual decision, you should contact the authority, for example the Swedish Social Insurance Agency or the Swedish Pensions Agency, which issued the decision. Please note that you must submit any request for reconsideration within a certain time period (which should be stated in your letter of notification).
If you believe that the decision of a responsible agency is incorrect, you may appeal to the Administrative Court. Your appeal should be sent to the agency that issued the decision, which should in turn forward it to the court, after verifying that it has arrived within the relevant time period (which should be stated in the letter of notification).
If you are otherwise dissatisfied with how a responsible agency has dealt with your case, you may contact the Parliamentary Ombudsman (Justitieombudsmannen, JO) Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..
How we work
The ISF’s work is mainly conducted on a project basis and is presented in the form of publicly available reports.
The projects are commissioned by the Government or initiated by the agency.
The projects are usually undertaken by multidisciplinary teams. The ISF’s expertise includes law, economics, political science, business administration, sociology, behavioural science, mathematics, statistics, medicine and public health, and administration. About one third of the employees hold a Doctoral degree.